When reading the bible, it is no secret that a common thread is lack of faith amongst the chosen people at almost every turn. Basically, the entire exodus series is lack of faith of the people of Israel. No matter what God did or what God did through Moses, the people ALWAYS turned their back on God. They were constantly asking for yet another sign. And almost immediately at the first instance of discomfort. Their slavery in Egypt was ALWAYS better than their wandering, always better than what was currently happening to them, and never (other than a few) realized that it was precisely their shaking of fists that kept them in this perpetual cycle of chaos.
When you look at the Gospels, the ENTIRE series is Jesus performing miracles. Whether it be casting spirits, healing the sick and blind, or literally raising the dead, it never seemed to be enough for his followers. They always wanted more. Always wanted another sign. It was more, more, more.
Take a look back on every time that you have sought God. Every time that God came to you in a time of weakness, or helped you onto a path better than where you were. Maybe God helped you through a sickness, or disease. It could have been something as small as god answering a prayer for a nice meal. Now, I am sure that even after all that, you to think of the time that you asked for a sign from God. Or think of a time where your faith faltered. Why is this so prevalent?
This post is not me trying to come across as preachy at all. It is merely a self reflection of doing this EXACT thing… and again, almost immediately! At the risk of sounding simple, “is this just human nature”? The mere fact that this is a thread through out the bible to show hedonism speaks directly to the fact that no matter how good we think we are, we are hedonists on some level. Like the original people of Israel, we are far from perfect. We all like to think that we are special, different, that our faith can never be shaken, that we are like Job. In the face of all pain and suffering, we will never turn our heads against our lord. I think that there are very few, if any of us that if we are true to ourselves, never have a lapse in faith.
Maybe this is obvious to some. Again, I am newer to religion and seeking the lord, so maybe this is something that comes to mind to everyone of the faith. If that is so, then have this serve as a reminder. For those that haven’t thought of this though, ask yourself this question, “how much better would my situation have been if I had just kept the faith? How much better off would I be if I just trusted in the Lord that this was what was supposed to happen?” If there is any truth to the parables, it could be 30 and 60 and 100 fold better.
When I have been praying, and cannot think of anything more than what I am grateful for, I make a promise to the lord. I promise that I will do my best to never again shake my fists towards the heavens. I will never blame God for the situation that I am currently facing (unless it is good, but that is a different topic). I will own my situation and do everything that I can to rediscover the upward path towards him. And when the day finally comes that I stand at the gate, and the flaming swords of judgement come for me; if I am burnt to a crisp and sent to hell, I will still be grateful for the life that was given to me and all that came with it.
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